Yokomizo Miyuki
crossing P030.078.2023
GALLERY RIN opened in April 2013 in Kyobashi, Tokyo with the concept of introducing an array of works that exude beauty in various ways. Making use of the geographical advantage of Kyobashi Kotto-Dori, an area known for antique dealers, we handle a variety of exhibitions related to beauty that transcend time, from antique to contemporary art, as well as crafts. As we continue to focus on discovering and presenting contemporary works of art that promise to remain relevant for future ages, we will further showcase our artists by organizing special exhibitions at our gallery as well as participating in Art Fairs.
Director: Sakamoto Akiko
1F Housho Bldg. 2-6-10 Kyobashii Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0031 JAPAN
TEL: +81(0)3 3566 5558
FAX: +81(0)3 3566 5556
E-mail: info(at)galleryrin.com