Mitamura Midori
Australian Encyclopedia-"P: PEARLS and pearling, PENGUINS, PETROLEUM and natural gas,PORT Jackson, POSTAL services, POTTERY"
SYP GALLERY, which has been jointly run by Shotaro Yoshino (artist), JAVIER CASAS (architect), and Yu Harada (gallerist) since April 2020, will change its name to Yu Harada in May 2023. The three of us have been working together to create a gallery that supports the independence of artists, while at the same time presenting itself as a commercial gallery with the strength of a project to the world, rather than simply aiming to be a commercial gallery. In order to further solidify this philosophy, we will continue to introduce ambitious and experimental artists who are active both in Japan and abroad.
Director: Harada Yu
10-10 Sumiyoshi-cho Sinjuku-ku Tokyo 162-0065 JAPAN
TEL: +81(0)3 6555 2483
E-mail: info(at)yuharada.com