Hirano Yasuko
Reach the eyes
ART OSAKA 2023 has successfully closed! Thank you very much for coming.
Expanded Section last day: July 31
Expanded Section 5th day & Galleries Section last day: July 30
2023 7.28 Fri – 7.30 Sun
This section of the fair will be held as a booth-style art fair. 2023 brings a total of 46 galleries together under one roof, each gallerists offering a unique aesthetic sense in the array of works selected and presented. Visitors will be able to experience the 'echo' between the magnificent space inside Osaka City Central Public Hall, a proud example of modern architecture, and the latest in contemporary art on display.
Reach the eyes
52°24'01""N 4°50'54""E
Hello 03
Title unknown
Recalling Places56
Untitled (Chromatic Red)
Feline Coronavirus #2
Skin Layer
Drip color Direction-March 12,2022. #1
Music Room 3
equality (blue)
The Balcony City Civilization Series- The prequel to the story of the balcony people creating city of heaven
sleepless night
animal-C White Cat
Double Portrait
duvet cover of the forest
Devil Man 1 - The Buddhist monk ‘Gansan’ and Me 1