Nishimura Ryo

Traveling the Life in myself 7

White Watoson Paper, Copperplate Ink (Dry point)

Reference price: 50,000~99,999JPY

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Our daily lives are made up of a variety of things, such as flowing rivers, lush grass, and the changing of the seasons. They are pieces of the story of my life, and at the same time, pieces of other people's stories. They are also fragments of the grand story of life that has been accumulated since before we were born.
I have traced these fragments with lines through plastic plates and sketches. These lines preserve my own images of the transitions of life, which are essentially formless, and of the passing of time by tracing the flow that once existed there.
The ever-flowing river, the growth and decay of large trees, and the way the rain pours down and soaks into the earth are not far from the passage of time as we experience it, and they will continue to flow day by day, moment by moment.

Artist Profile

Nishimura Ryo

1993 Was born in Kyoto
2018 Finish Kyoto City University of Arts, Master`s Class, Department of Painting, Printmaking

Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions
2024 Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2024 - Selected Artists in Kyoto - The Museum of Kyoto / Kyoto
2023 "Burrowing into Time" Aomori Contemporary Art Center / Aomori
2023 New Mutation #5 KURASHIKI Aya, NISHIMURA Ryo “Trans communicating” KYOTO ART CENTER / Kyoto
2023 "Soft Landscape" Enokojima Art, Culture and Creative Center, Osaka Prefecture Osaka
2022 "Elements" PETER AUGUSTUS USA / Dallas

Selected Awards
2024 Kyoto Art for Tomorrow 2024 - Selected Artists in Kyoto - ASAHISHINBUNSHA Award
2020 The 19th exhibition for Minamishimabara City Seminario Modern Printmaking ASAHISHINBUNSHA Award
2019 AFAF AWARDS 2019 Gallerists Award

Public Collections
Portland Art Museum Portland / USA
Harvard Art Museums Cambridge / USA