Donghoon Rhee
Black Mamba
Gallery SP started at Seoul Print, a Seoul print studio established in 1989, moved to Cheongdam-dong in 1998, and has been located in Garosu-gil since 2006, and is currently located near the Hyatt Hotel in Namsan. In the meantime, we have been planning and producing works by talented printmakers through the activities of the Seoul Print Workshop, and since the 2000s, we have been conducting exhibitions and various art consulting projects encompassing not only two-dimensional paintings but also various three-dimensional works, crafts, and design fields. .
‘Unexpected Union’, a linked space, is a complex cultural space that serves as an alternative to Gallery SP by discovering young artists and planning various contemporary exhibitions. In particular, we are focusing on interpreting the craft part through the language of exhibitions and conducting novel projects to expand accessibility to the collection of works.
Director: Eunsook Lee
30, Hoenamu-ro 44ga-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 04346 Republic of Korea
TEL: +82(0)2 546 3560
FAX: +82(0)2 546 3556
E-mail: office(at)gallerysp.com